How to Shutdown the Solaris SunFire System

The shutdown command for solaris is

  root# init 0                 

you should get  "ok" as output

In the "ok" prompt, type "poweroff"


init 0 is called as PROM mode. It is used to bring a running system to the OK prompt, either to turn the system off or to perform a PROM

ok prompt is also called as OPEN BOOT PROMPT mode function

The important Levels are:
init 0 To shut down the operating system; then you can turn off the pwoer safely

init s or S To run as a single user with some file systems
mounted and accessible.
init 1 To access all available file systems. User logins
are disabled
init 2 For normal operations. Multiple users can access the
system and all file system. All daemons are running except
for the NFS server daemons
init 3 (this is the default run level for solaris):  For normal operations with NFS resources shared.
This is the default run level for the Solaris OS.
init 4 Not configured by default, but available for
customer use
init 5 To shut down the operating system so that it is safe
to turn off power to the system. If possible, automatically
turns off power on systems that support this feature.
init 6 To shut down the system to run level 0, and then
reboot to multiuser level with NFS resources shared (or
anyother level is the default in the inittab file).


How to find out, in which LEVEL my system is running?
$ who -r                                 

/etc/inittab file
init is a daemon (daemon is a background program). when init command is run, init daemon reads the contents in /etc/inittab file. In this file, follwing thing are there:

  • The system's default run level
  • What processes to start, monitor, and restart if they terminate
  • What actions to take when the system enters a new run level

Complete  details on init command is available at