How to Install Solaris SPARC system Step by Step Procedure

How to boot solaris from cd romHOW TO INSTALL SOLARIS FROM CD ROM.
Some of these configuration may not be applicable to you.
You can use this information just for a basic understanding
of how solaris os works.

Point 1: You should be in "ok" prompt. ok prompt refers that
eeprom is now controlling the system.

Point 2: If you are NOT in ok prompt, then type shutdown the system by
typing "init 0" and you may get ok prompt.

# init 0
Point 3: Your pc or laptop should be connected to the console port of
the system and some kind of terminal emulation software such as hyperterminal
to be used. In that terminal only, you should get this ok prompt.

Point 4: If there is any keyboard port in your solaris machine and a
keyboard is connected in that port, then hyperterminal will not work.
In such cases, you have to disconnect the keyboard from the machine.

Point 5: In case of solaris 8, there will be two CDs. Insert the CD-1
and type "boot cdrom"

ok boot cdrom
The output screen may look like this:

Resetting ...
Sun Blade 150 (UltraSPARC-IIe 650MHz),
No Keyboard

Copyright 1998-2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

OpenBoot 4.6, 1792 MB memory installed, Serial #xxxxxxx.

Ethernet address xxxxxx, Host ID:xxxxxxx.

Rebooting with command: boot cdrom

Boot device: /pci@1f,0/ide@d/cdrom@1,0:f File and args:

SunOS Release 5.8 Version Generic_108528-13 64-bit

Copyright 1983-2001 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.

Now it asks, do you want to continue, i say Yes
This is the Solaris Installation Welcome screen.
Hit ESC - F2 to continue
Then it asked  whether your solaris is networked. It means, whether any user will reach your solaris server from some other machines. Naturally, the answer will be Yes.yes.


[X] Yes

[ ] No

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Then it asked, do you want to enter dhcp server ip address. i said NO



[ ] Yes

[X] No

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Then it asked to type the host name and i type boris
Host name: boris

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Then it asked ip address and i typed the ip address
IP address:

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Then it asked do you want to give subnet mask. i told yes.

System part of a subnet


[X] Yes

[ ] No

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Then it asked furnish mask and i typed
the mask


Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Then it asked do you want to enable ipv6, i said no.
Enable IPv6


[ ] Yes

[X] No

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Then at one stage it asked which software installed. i selected entire
distribution 64 bit.

Select the Solaris software to install
on the system.


[ ] Entire Distribution plus OEM support 64-bit 1432.00 MB

[X] Entire Distribution 64-bit ................. 1401.00 MB

[ ] Developer System Support 64-bit ............ 1350.00 MB

[ ] End User System Support 64-bit ............. 932.00 MB

[ ] Core System Support 64-bit ................. 396.00 MB

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

Then it asked in which hard disk drive you want to install the os. i
selected c0t0d0

Then it asked, in which slice you want to install the root directory.
Point 1: In windows, a hard disk have different partitions like c:, D:,E:,
here it is called as slice-0, slice-1,etc. You will see EIGHTpartitions:









c0t0d0s0 will be for root
cotodos2 is imaginary. it represents the whole disk. Each slice should
be mapped to one FILE SYSTEM / MOUNT POINT and you can change the disk
space available for each slice. The value against s2 slice gives the total
disk space. File system name or mount point of s2 slice is called as "OVERLAP"

Point 3: You can modify the disk space, by pressing esc then f4
/ .................c0t0d0s0

swap......... c0t0d0s1

overlap..... .c0t0d0


Finally it asked do you want to reboot the system, i told yes
[X] Auto Reboot

[ ] Manual Reboot

Hit ESC - F2 to Begin the Installation

At the end, it asked to configure the root password and i gave the password.

Original Boot Device : c0t0d0s0
[X] c0t0d0s0

[ ] c0t0d0s1

[ ] c0t0d0s2

[ ] c0t0d0s3

[ ] c0t0d0s4

[ ] c0t0d0s5

[ ] c0t0d0s6

[ ] c0t0d0s7

[ ] Any of the Above

Hit ESC - F2 to after selecting Disk Slice

Then it asked about reconfiguration of eeprom. In windows, i think it
is cmos setup. It is as if selecting do you want to boot from hard disk
or cdrom.

Do you want to update the system's
hardware (EEPROM) to always boot from c0t0d0?

Hit ESC - F2 to Reconfigure EEPROM
and Continue

Then it asked do you want to preserve the existing data. i answered no.
Then it asked auto layout or manual layout of file systems. It is just
like which basic folders you want to create. I select the default values:
root and swap. both are ofcourse must for any os. swap is equal to virtual
hard disk space which is used like RAM. swap directory should have atleast

Do you want to use auto-layout
to automatically layout file systems? Manually laying out file systems
requires advanced system administration skills.

Hit ESC - F2 to Perform Auto

File Systems for Auto-layout


[X] /

[ ] /opt

[ ] /usr

[ ] /usr/openwin

[ ] /var

[X] swap

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

I generally select ESC - F4 (F4_Customize) to edit the partitions for
disk c0t0d0. If this is a workstation, I make only three partitions:

/ : I often get the sizes for the individual filesystems (/usr, /opt,
and /var) incorrect. This is one reason I typically create only one partition
as / that will be used for the entire system (minus swap space). In most
cases, I will be installing additional disks for large applications like
the Oracle RDBMS, Oracle Application Server, or other J2EE application

overlap : The overlap partition represents entire disk and is slice s2
of the disk.

swap : The swap partition size depends on the size of RAM in the system.
If you are not sure of its size, make it double the amount of RAM in your
system. I typically like to make swap 1GB.


Boot Device: c0t0d0s0


Slice Mount Point Size (MB)

0 / 37136

1 swap 1025

2 overlap 38162

3 0

4 0

5 0

6 0

7 0


Capacity: 38162 MB

Allocated: 38161 MB

Rounding Error: 1 MB

Free: 0 MB

Hit ESC - F2 to continue

How to shutdown sunfire 4800?
Type "init 0"
eg :
#init 0
You will get "ok" prompt. Type "poweroff all"
ok poweroff all

After that, you have to physically switch off the machine.
What is SC? What is Domain?SC stands for System Controller. By connecting the hyperterminal to
the console port in this SC card, you can give the solaris command.

Solaris sunfire 4800 can run two domains simultaneously. That means,
two operating system instances can be run in the machine simultaneously
on two different set of system boards.

To get the SC Menu at any time (if you areconnected via hyperterminal),
you can press ESCAPE key and then type "#". To go to console,
type "console".