Installation guide for solaris sun fire 4800

Basically there are four models under Sun Fire. They are Sun Fire 6800/4810/4800/3800. The installation procedure almost same in all these models.
Installation Step 1: You should connect a Hyper Terminal to the TTYa port  in the Primary System Controller Board (SSC0) and try to understand the following terms.

QN.What is Administrative Console, Primary System Controller Board (SSC0) and Patch Panel?
In a router, there will be console port, we connect the pc to that port and by using hyperterminal software in the pc, we configure the router. In the same way, solaris has a port . Its name is PRIMARY TTYa SERIAL PORT. This port is available in a panel known as PATCH PANEL. The PC we are going to connect to this port is called as ADMINISTRATIVE CONSOLE. Using this console we can install and configure solaris system. TTYa  cable is nothing but NULL MODEM cable. The pc is communicating with the portion of the solaris which is called as SSC0 which is PRIMARY SYSTEM CONTROLLER BOARD.

Q2. What are the basic components available in a Sun Fire system?
Here I am giving the components in 6800.

  • CPU/Memory boards............. 3
  • CPUs ....................................12
  • Maximum memory.................. 96 Gbytes
  • I/O assemblies .....................2 (PCI or CompactPCI)
  • System Controller boards.......... 2
  • Repeater boards ..................2
  •  Domains 2 ..........................maximum 
  • Power supplies ......................3


What is the meaning of two domains?
Each domain can run a separate operating system


When you partition the machine into two what happens?
All connections between boards of one partition and boards of the other partition are
disabled. The system logically behaves as two separate systems. Each partition can be made into two domains which means, each domain  runs its own instance of operting system.


What is the advantage of creating domains?

Domains are useful for testing new applications,operating system updates. When the testing is over, you can rejoin the application logically without rebooting.


Why solaris is more reliable?
The System Controller tests each components separately and the faulty components are isoloated from the system duing POST.  Errors are logged so that the defective items can be identified and replaced later. SSC and the powersupply are redundant.
What is Repeater Board?
It is like a  Switch (yes, lan switch). Imagine all the cpu-cum-memory boards and other components are connected to this switch. It is easy to isolate any component because of this arrangement.


To power on  the system:

Power on steps: First power on RTS(Redundant Transfer Switches), , then check all circuit breakers are on, then put on ac input box switch, then puton rack fan tray switch, then puton FrameManager keyswitch (This will be available only if the system is mounted on the sun fire cabinet),


What is frame manager?
The FrameManager is a set of hardware and software intergated into the Sun Fire
cabinet and the Sun Fire 6800 system. It performs concurrent monitoring and control
of the fan trays, RTS modules, and RTU assemblies. The FrameManager is located on
the top front of the cabinet.The FrameManager has threeLEDs: power, fault, and service
The patch panel provides an interface between the system controllers and the system
Reset switch in SSC?
Press the Reset switch  by using a pen tip to reset the SystemController board so that it reboots.


When in good condition, the green lamp in cpu modules,fan tray, ssc,I/O assembly should glow.
What is PCI I/O Assembly?
In a normal PC motherboard, there will be a number of pci slots. In sun fire, a number of slots are kept in an assembly. If you want to place a pcb, remove the assembly, insert the pcb in one of the slots and reinsert the assembly. You have to put on the power of the assembly.. you have to check for greeen lamp in the assembly.

The air intake screens  collect and trap dust and debris particles. They should be cleaned every 3 months

solaris system sun fire 4800 front rear view